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About Us

Ealing Save Our NHS is a lively and active campaign opposing cuts and privatisation of our local health services and hospitals, especially the plans to close over 300 beds and the essential A&E at Ealing Hospital.
The Campaign meets regularly and holds regular street stalls in shopping centres, along with protests and other events.
As well as protesting, we aim to explain what’s really going on to the public.  We support and liaise with healthworkers, observe official meetings and read the documents to find out what’s going on.  Unfortunately a lot of what happens is secret, but we can and do read between the lines.
In the three years we have been going, we have given out well over 100,000 leaflets in the streets, we have marched, petitioned, lobbied, organised public meetings, attended community events of all kinds.  We have organised car convoys, street theatre, social events and much more in order to get our message out.  In addition, we issue press releases; we use twitter, Facebook, e-mails and this website.
We work closely with our sister campaign Save Our Hospitals Hammersmith and with other organisations in north-west London.  We are affiliated to Keep Our NHS Public.
We are local people who care. Please join us if you agree with what we are doing or make a donation.   We operate on a shoe string as our only income is donations from local people and community organisations.

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